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There was so much misinformation out there last year as folks were signing up for insurance through Covered California courtesy of the Affordable Care Act.  Surprises are going to be in-store for some good citizens in the form of health care penalties as a result.  For example, just Friday, a client came in and got hit with a plus $500 penalty.  She was claiming her boyfriend as a dependent who did not work and who they both thought could not get insurance because of the lack of income. Since he was on her return, the health law deems that she is the responsible for insuring all those on her return were covered.  I signed him up with a great affordable plan within minutes.  Another single client came in and didn’t realize he could get insurance until very late in the year.  He got hit with a prorated penalty for the months he wasn’t covered.  I just hope there aren’t too many surprises instore for folks out there.